Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Camera Strap From Recycled Denim

My wife used to customize vintage Levi's and fashion them into high-waisted shorts for her Etsy shop. She bought all her jeans at the swap meet and would cut the legs off, ending up with a ton of scrap 'legs', which would just go to waste. I hate seeing that and asked myself how I could use the scraps for a different product.
I love to take pictures and at the same time hate the straps that come with a decent camera. They're uncomfortable and pretty ugly. Plus, every person has the same one. So why not use the 'leg scraps' for a fresh camera strap?

Close to finished prototype

This is how it starts

The entire strap is made from recycled materials, such as neoprene from old wetsuits, leather scraps from work and old shoe laces
First protos
The result

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